Terese Allen
To schedule a presentation, email tallen@gdinet.com
4:30 pm

The Dane County Farmers' Market:
History, Recipes and Community Culture
Terese Allen’s fourteenth cookbook celebrates of one of the county’s most renowned farmers markets with some 125 recipes that give local ingredients an international spin. Featuring a history of Madison’s 50-plus year market, a foreword by James Beard award winner Chef Tory Miller and a gorgeous array of color photos, it’s also a warm-hearted salute to the vendors, shoppers and chefs who make the nation’s largest producers-only farmers’ market an important “third-place” community venue. In tonight’s presentation, Terese explores the origins of and stories from the market that revitalized downtown Madison, helped area agriculture flourish and changed the character of food culture in the region.
4:30 pm

The Flavor of Wisconsin:
The State's Culinary Culture, Past and Present
To understand the history of a region, you've got to follow the food. That’s particularly true in Wisconsin, whose culinary traditions reflect the richness of an ethnically and agriculturally diverse region. In this talk regional food expert Terese Allen shares the stories behind such varied foodways as cream puffs, Hmong egg rolls and the Friday night fish fry. From Ojibwe wild rice to arugula pesto pasta, she tracks the amazing cornucopia of what Wisconsinites have gathered, grown, produced, cooked, and eaten.
10:00 am

Fish Fries and Rib-Eyes and Highballs, Oh My!
The History and Lore of Supper Clubs in Wisconsin
What makes a supper club authentic? Why do we drink Brandy Old-Fashioneds? How did the Friday night fish fry originate? And what’s with the funny name, “supper club,” anyway? Cookbook author and Wisconsin-ophile Terese Allen explores and celebrates the evolving story and multi-layered meanings of this idiosyncratic and much-beloved Dairyland tradition.
11:30 am

Foraged, Fished & Hunted:
Foodways from Wisconsin’s Wild and Urban Landscapes
Morels and maple syrup. Juneberries and elderberries. Blue gills and venison. Wild rice and ramps. Wisconsin's wild foods are diverse, plentiful and oh, so delicious. Cookbook author and forager Terese Allen delves into the culture, practice and significance of hunting and gathering around the state. With personal stories, foraging tips and culinary secrets, she explores and celebrates the pleasures and benefits of found foods.